Yoga Sutras Course Online by Germán Garro
We all want to experience fulfilment in life, and we hope that our yoga practice will lead us to self-understanding and peace. Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra is the source of wisdom and the root of the yoga tradition. The Yoga Sutra is as timeless as human nature and outlines the path to self-conquest and freedom. We can apprehend the workings of the mind, understand how to overcome obstacles and unlock the inherent power of our mind.
I invite you to engage with Germán Garro in his intelligent and captivating interpretations of the Yoga Sutras. In this first work, Germán addresses sutras 1 to 40 of the first chapter. The Germán’s Secret to the Yoga Sutra is intended to link you directly to Patanjali’s intention and experience so that you can have this experience for yourself. Allow this course to empower you, expand your vision by breathing new life into your practice through its systematic approach.
As an ardent and avid practitioner of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga (as taught by Sharath. R. Jois), Germán has been under my tutelage since 2015. With immeasurable reverence, I continue to travel to Germán’s Shala in El Bolson (Patagonia, Argentina) every year to teach him and his cohort in the practice of Ashtanga Yoga. We scale both physical and metaphorical mountains, laugh, cry and drink Yerba Mate. Germán is my friend, student and teacher in the underworld.
Germán recommends watching 3-4 videos per week, taking notes to understand the given material, and reflecting on what is seen in each Sutra. Each video is approximately 10 to 15 minutes long; this way, you can easily see the material at some point in your day, preferably a quiet moment in which you can concentrate.
This course includes approximately 6 hours of content, accompanied by downloadable Lecture Notes.
NOTE: The course videos are in Spanish and subtitled in English.
Please make sure the subtitles are turned on in the video navigation settings.